I have received a few comments about Anelia. She and her family were amazing. I wanted to let everyone know that the book, "Carter Pioneers of Provo, Utah" compiled by Arthur D. Coleman, is available in a reprint version. I found it at the following link.
The following is copied from the website where you can order the book:
A biographical, genealogical and historical account of the Dominicus and other Carter Families. Born in Maine early in the nineteenth century, Dominicus and his siblings joined the Latter-day Saints in their westward migration, through the Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Iowa and Platte River valleys and across the Rocky Mountains of North America to the Great Salt Lake Basin and Provo, Utah.
Fly page i
Verso page ii
Prayer iii
What They Say iv
Dedication v
Two Carter Family Queries vi
Table of Contents vii
Acknowledgments ix
Carter Relationship Chart x
Letter to Carter Progeny 1
Foreword 5
Introduction--The Provo, Utah Area 7
Timpanogotizis (Indians, River, Mountain, Lake, Valley) 8
Etienne Provost & Early Trappers 11
Pioneer Mormon Exploration & Settlement 16
Mount Timpanogos --Hike and Cave 17
The Geneva Steel Plant & Early Iron Works 18
Some Ramblings about the Carter Name 22
Part I Historical Sequence --A Chronology of the Carter Family
Prehistory and Biblical Times 24
Early English and American Times 29
1767- 1966--Two hundred years from Early Maine to Present-day Utah 32
Part II Miscellaneous Biography--Several Biographies of Carter Family Members 80
Early Ancestors in New England 81
Dominicus Carter 1806 - 1884 87
Mary Durfee Carter's Parents' Story 104
Polly Miner Carter's Parents' Story 115
William Furlsbury Carter 1811 - 1888 125
John "H" Carter of Carterville 1816 - 1896 133
Mother Hannah Knight Libby Carter 1786 - I867 137
Part III Genealogical Groups - -Coded Listings of John and Hannah Knight Libby Carter's Progeny 146
Chapter 1 Dominicus and Lydia Smith Carter 147
Chapter 2 Dominicus and Sophrona Babcock Carter 158
Chapter 3 Dominicus and Sylvia Ameretta Mecham Carter 159
Chapter 4 Dominicus and Mary Durfee Carter 191
Chapter 5 Dominicus and Polly Miner Carter 216
Chapter 6 Dominicus and Elizabeth Brown Carter 226
Chapter 7 Dominicus and Caroline Maria Hubbard Carter 247
Chapter 8 Dominicus and Francis "Fannie" Nash Carter 251
Chapter 9 Almira Carter and Alvah Baron Tripp 257
Chapter 10 Hannah Carter and Aaron Mereon York 258
Chapter 11 William Furlsbury and Cordella Hannah Mecham Carter 260
Chapter 12 William Furlsbury and Sarah York Carter 260
Chapter 13 William Furlsbury and Roxena Mecham Carter 308
Chapter 14 William Furlsbury and Mary Elizabeth Howard Carter 346
Chapter 15 William Furlsbusy and Sally Ann Mecham Carter 371
Chapter 16 Phillip Libby and Martha Eames York Carter 405
Chapter 17 John Harrison Carter (unmarried) 405
Chapter 18 John "H" and Elizabeth Runnells Sweat Carter 406
Chapter 19 John "H" and Sophia Eldora Sweat Carter 412
Chapter 20 Eliza Ann Carter and James Chauncey Snow 425
Chapter 21 Richard and Hannah Parker Carter 467
Chapter 22 Mary Jane Carter and James Dooley 479
Chapter 23 Rufus Garter (unmarried) 479
Conclusion 480
Addendum 484
and more of life's beauties
Sunday, August 11, 2013
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Our busy day!
It's 6:30 am, time for a shower, then wash the bottles. Easton is up and ready for his bottle. Diaper change and wash hands, then his bottle. I hear Cole and Caden. They are ready to go. Diapers changed, hands washed (again), big brother Asher is up, good morning kisses to everyone. Waffles and juice for breakfast. Open the laptop and say good morning to the picture of mommy and daddy.
Didn't mean to get the chandelier in the picture, but I have to look up to these two. This pic is from last Saturday. They were headed to Trevor's graduation from California State University Chico.

Now that they are finished with breakfast, wipe up little hands and faces, and it's time for Easton's fruit and cereal. Hands washed and a little snuggling on the couch with everyone and their new blankets. Asher has had his blanket for two years. Grandma just got the other 3 done this month.

Cole and Caden


Runny noses wiped clean. Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on TV. Pajamas off, clothes on. Pat-a-cake and peek-a-boo. Time for Easton's morning nap. If this seems like a run-on paragraph, that's because it is a run-on morning.
We are watching the video of Grandma's kitty, Cooper, playing fetch. Cooper does love to go after the little crochet ball with the bell inside and bring it to me. The boys love the video of our hen, Chick Patty and her two baby chicks, mommy hen is showing them how to eat.
Time for a snack. Goldfish and a fruit snack for the twins, chocolate covered peanut butter granola bar for Asher, then a fruit snack. Clean the hands and faces (again) among other things.
A fight over a toy, tears shed and a little hugging. It's a good thing Fisher Price toys are tuff stuff, they are sure getting a workout here.
Ok, let's see if we can gather for a story.
Easton's up from his nap, dirty diaper changed, hands washed, time for a bottle. Fish sticks in the toaster oven for the bigger boys. Maybe they'll have some applesauce with those.
Ahhh, a moment of silence, while they eat. Let's see, how many times did I hear Asher ask, can we watch a movie?
Asher: Grandma, I want a bologna sandwich, not fish sticks.
Grandma: Asher, you had a bologna sandwich yesterday.
Asher: I still want a bologna sandwich.
Grandma: OK Asher, after you eat these fish sticks and applesauce I'll give you half a bologna sandwich.
Asher: Thanks, Grandma, that's awsomeness. Grandma, if we're out of bologna maybe we can go to the store for more food.
Grandma: Who will watch you while I go to the store?
Asher: We can all go.
Grandma: I don't think we need to go to the store, it would take me longer to get all four of you in your carseats in the van than it would to shop in the store.
Lunch over for the bigger boys, hands and faces washed (boy my hands are sure dry, how many times have I washed them today)?
Time for Easton's vegees. Everyone down for a nap. Empty the dishwasher, wash up the trays from the twins chairs.
A short rest, I know I brought a good book to read.
Wow, that was a quick nap. Snack time. Cole and Caden have a multi grain mixed berry snack bar. Asher has a cupcake. Face and hands washed, trays washed.
Time for Easton's bottle. Caden takes a ball away so Cole plops his head face down on the floor, more tears, more hugs.
Playtime, Cole and Caden are on the floor with baby Easton. Talking to him and smooshing on him. They do love the baby. Giving little pats and hugs. Outside for a walk, everyone holding hands. Just up and down the block.
Easton's ready for a bottle, dinner's in the oven. I'm starting to wilt. Maybe the lasagna will give us all a little energy. Not too much of course so they will go to bed.
How fun, my sister Nancy just called. She is coming from Reno tonight to visit. It will be good to see her. I'm not sure when I saw her last. Possibly two years ago at the reunion in Wellsville. I must have seen her since then though, because I'm sure she has seen the twins.
Easton has had his dinner of cereal. Now just a little playtime and he'll be ready for bed. Bath time for him tomorrow.
Lasagna for the rest of us, can't wait to clean that up...well, it wasn't too bad.
The twins have had a story and are now in bed. Asher and I will read some stories in just a few minutes and then Nancy should get here and I'll put Asher to bed.
We have had a full and busy day...here comes tomorrow. Do you realize that there are 40 little fingers in this house.
Didn't mean to get the chandelier in the picture, but I have to look up to these two. This pic is from last Saturday. They were headed to Trevor's graduation from California State University Chico.

Now that they are finished with breakfast, wipe up little hands and faces, and it's time for Easton's fruit and cereal. Hands washed and a little snuggling on the couch with everyone and their new blankets. Asher has had his blanket for two years. Grandma just got the other 3 done this month.
Cole and Caden
Runny noses wiped clean. Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on TV. Pajamas off, clothes on. Pat-a-cake and peek-a-boo. Time for Easton's morning nap. If this seems like a run-on paragraph, that's because it is a run-on morning.
We are watching the video of Grandma's kitty, Cooper, playing fetch. Cooper does love to go after the little crochet ball with the bell inside and bring it to me. The boys love the video of our hen, Chick Patty and her two baby chicks, mommy hen is showing them how to eat.
Time for a snack. Goldfish and a fruit snack for the twins, chocolate covered peanut butter granola bar for Asher, then a fruit snack. Clean the hands and faces (again) among other things.
A fight over a toy, tears shed and a little hugging. It's a good thing Fisher Price toys are tuff stuff, they are sure getting a workout here.
Ok, let's see if we can gather for a story.
Easton's up from his nap, dirty diaper changed, hands washed, time for a bottle. Fish sticks in the toaster oven for the bigger boys. Maybe they'll have some applesauce with those.
Ahhh, a moment of silence, while they eat. Let's see, how many times did I hear Asher ask, can we watch a movie?
Asher: Grandma, I want a bologna sandwich, not fish sticks.
Grandma: Asher, you had a bologna sandwich yesterday.
Asher: I still want a bologna sandwich.
Grandma: OK Asher, after you eat these fish sticks and applesauce I'll give you half a bologna sandwich.
Asher: Thanks, Grandma, that's awsomeness. Grandma, if we're out of bologna maybe we can go to the store for more food.
Grandma: Who will watch you while I go to the store?
Asher: We can all go.
Grandma: I don't think we need to go to the store, it would take me longer to get all four of you in your carseats in the van than it would to shop in the store.
Lunch over for the bigger boys, hands and faces washed (boy my hands are sure dry, how many times have I washed them today)?
Time for Easton's vegees. Everyone down for a nap. Empty the dishwasher, wash up the trays from the twins chairs.
A short rest, I know I brought a good book to read.
Wow, that was a quick nap. Snack time. Cole and Caden have a multi grain mixed berry snack bar. Asher has a cupcake. Face and hands washed, trays washed.
Time for Easton's bottle. Caden takes a ball away so Cole plops his head face down on the floor, more tears, more hugs.
Playtime, Cole and Caden are on the floor with baby Easton. Talking to him and smooshing on him. They do love the baby. Giving little pats and hugs. Outside for a walk, everyone holding hands. Just up and down the block.
Easton's ready for a bottle, dinner's in the oven. I'm starting to wilt. Maybe the lasagna will give us all a little energy. Not too much of course so they will go to bed.
How fun, my sister Nancy just called. She is coming from Reno tonight to visit. It will be good to see her. I'm not sure when I saw her last. Possibly two years ago at the reunion in Wellsville. I must have seen her since then though, because I'm sure she has seen the twins.
Easton has had his dinner of cereal. Now just a little playtime and he'll be ready for bed. Bath time for him tomorrow.
Lasagna for the rest of us, can't wait to clean that up...well, it wasn't too bad.
The twins have had a story and are now in bed. Asher and I will read some stories in just a few minutes and then Nancy should get here and I'll put Asher to bed.
We have had a full and busy day...here comes tomorrow. Do you realize that there are 40 little fingers in this house.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
Christmas goodies are on the way!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
CA Visit
I had a great time in CA visiting the boys. Truly worn out when the week was over. I can see why we have children when we are young. It is quite hard to keep up with the three of them at my age. Asher has quite the personality, and Cold and Caden are starting to show theirs.
I don't look forward to the 15 hour drive, but it is absolutely worth it once I get there.

Caden and Cole

Cold and Caden



Caden and Cole

The always busy big brother, Asher

Happy Asher

Grandma and her three grandsons at the
end of a great week, Asher, Cole and Caden
I don't look forward to the 15 hour drive, but it is absolutely worth it once I get there.
Caden and Cole
Cold and Caden
Caden and Cole
The always busy big brother, Asher
Happy Asher
Grandma and her three grandsons at the
end of a great week, Asher, Cole and Caden
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Nick Survives
I hadn't posted since I returned home in July. Nick was so thin and barely moved around. I hugged him, loved on him, talked to him, and of course, fed him some of his favorite foods. He loves avocados so he got a little taste when I had some salad fixings. I also broke down and gave him a teaspoon or so of canned cat food 2 times a day to try and fatten him up. After a couple weeks he seems to have gained back all the weight he lost, and he is running around the house playing with Cooper like he used to. I just returned from another few days away and I guess he didn't think I disappeared this time. He is doing fine, just old. He needs to hang on for a while, he will be 18 next March, and I am just not ready for him to go.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
New and Old Lives
I am truly enjoying my visit with my new grand babies. They are doing great! Cole weighs 7lbs 8oz, and Caden weighs 7lbs 11oz, 19 3/4" long. It is still hard to get up in the middle of the night though, you start to wilt about mid-day *!* and still keep up with the 2 1/2 year old. Here are a couple pics of the sweethearts and their brother.
Caden, Asher and Cole

Cole and Caden

Holiday called a little while ago and said that my sweet Nick is very lethargic today. It doesn't seem that he has moved at all today. Oh dear, this will be hard to lose him. He has been a member of our family since December 1992. I guess 17 1/2 years is a good long life for a cat. He has had lots of energy before today, always running around the house with his younger cohort, Cooper. I am sad that I am not there with him, but I asked Holiday to give him some extra love and tender scratches under the chin for me. I hope he feels better, I don't want to lose him before I get back home :(

Caden, Asher and Cole
Cole and Caden
Holiday called a little while ago and said that my sweet Nick is very lethargic today. It doesn't seem that he has moved at all today. Oh dear, this will be hard to lose him. He has been a member of our family since December 1992. I guess 17 1/2 years is a good long life for a cat. He has had lots of energy before today, always running around the house with his younger cohort, Cooper. I am sad that I am not there with him, but I asked Holiday to give him some extra love and tender scratches under the chin for me. I hope he feels better, I don't want to lose him before I get back home :(
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